Cade's Garden

My Links!

Everywhere you can find me on the Web

Neocities Profile

Just a link back to my main profile on Neocities if you would like to follow this site!

Chicken Smoothie

Very active here! Feel free to view my pets, message me, or send me a trade here!


This is where I post art and any information about my characters!

Art Fight

Active here every July!


My micro-blog that I write on from time to time


Updates once a week with some of my thoughts/feelings throught the week

Status Cafe

Link back to my status widget page and all my past statuses



My personal email! Feel free to use this if you would like to communicate with me privately (Same rules that apply in the guestbook apply here)


My email for inquires about commissioning me! As of right now my commissions are close but if they open again you can send me a message here

My Other Sites

The Library of Dead and Abandoned Malls

An archive of all documented dead/abandoned malls I could find within the US! Still very much a WIP. Not as accessible as this one, working towards changing the layout to something cleaner and more responsive (Possibly a version of the layout on this site)

Cade's Corner

A mini site based on this one! I made it with the intent of sharing my art or having a site to share around on site's that are a bit more restrictive on the kinds of content shared (Chicken Smoothie for example). It won't be updated that much but consider checking it out if you'd like!

The site's below are places I am not very active on or completely inactive on in terms of posting. Just linking them.


(Inactive) No further plans to use this


(Sorta Inactive) Posting here on occassion, mostly just my story


(Inactive) No longer posting here


(Inactive) Occassionaly use this to reblog posts but thats about it

123 Guestbook

(Inactive) My old guestbook. Commenting is closed and I have moved my guestbook and all responses from it on my website